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Перегляд Труды Института прикладной математики и механики за назвою

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Перегляд Труды Института прикладной математики и механики за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Иванова, А.А. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики, 2011)
    Представлена трехмерная математическая модель нестационарного температурного поля непрерывнолитой заготовки и стенок кристаллизатора. Модель учитывает зависимости теплофизических параметров от температуры, наличие зазора ...
  • Salimov, R.R.; Sevost'yanov, E.A. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики, 2012)
    The present paper is devoted to the study of space mappings which are more general than quasiregular. The so-called modulus inequalities of the order p, p ≥ 1, and it’s connections with space mappings are investigated. The ...
  • Salimov, R.; Afanas'eva, O. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики, 2013)
    It is formulated conditions on functions Q(x) and boundaries of domains under which every Q-homeomorphism admits continuous or homeomorphic extension to the boundary in metric spaces with measures.
  • Салимов, Р.Р.; Севостьянов, Е.А. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики НАН Украины, 2008)
  • Kurganskyy, O. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики, 2010)
    In this work a collective of interacting stateless automata in a discrete geometric environment is considered as an integral automata-like computational dynamic object. For such distributed on the environment object different ...
  • Volchkov, V.V.; Volchkov, Vit.V. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики, 2013)
    Generalizations of functions with zero ball means on Riemannian symmetric spaces X = G=K are studied. An analog of the local two-radii theorem for symmetric spaces of noncompact type with a complex group G is obtained.
  • Kovalevsky, A.A.; Gorban, Yu.S. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики, 2013)
    In this article, we deal with the Dirichlet problem for a class of degenerate anisotropic elliptic second order equations with L¹-right-hand sides in a bounded open set of Rⁿ (n ≥ 2).
  • Gutlyanskii, V.; Ryazanov, V.; Yakubov, E. (Праці Інституту прикладної математики і механіки НАН України, 2018)
    We study the Dirichlet problem for the Poisson equations △u(z) = g(z) with g ∈ Lp, p > 1, and continuous boundary data φ : ∂D → ℝ in arbitrary Jordan domains D in ℂ and prove the existence of continuous solutions u of the problem.
  • Voitovich, M.V. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики, 2012)
    We consider a class of nonlinear elliptic fourth-order equations with the principal part satisfying a strengthened coercivity condition, absorption and a lower-order term. It is supposed that the lowerorder term of the ...
  • Afanas’eva, O.S. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики, 2016)
    We consider ring Q-homeomorphisms with respect to p-modulus on Finsler manifolds, n - 1 < p < n, and establish sufficient conditions for these mappings to be finitely Lipschitzian.
  • Dovgoshey, O.; Küçükaslan, M.; Riihentaus, J. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики, 2016)
    Let B₁(Ω,R) be the first Baire class of real functions in the pluri-fine topology on an open set Ω ⊆ Cⁿ and let H₁* (Ω,R) be the first functional Lebesgue class of real functions in the same topology. We prove the equality ...
  • Ivanova, G.O. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики НАН Украины, 2008)
  • Volchkov, V.V.; Volchkov, Vit.V. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики НАН Украины, 2008)
  • Zuyev, A.L. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики, 2010)
    This paper is devoted to the analysis of the controllability for a class of linear control systems in a Hilbert space. It is proposed to use the minimum energy control of a reduced lumped parameter system for solving the ...
  • Skrypnik, I.I.; Skrypnik, S.V. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики, 2012)
    It is considered wide class of anisotropic elliptic and parabolic equations. Sharp local pointwise estimates for gradient of solutions of such equations are established.
  • Ryazanov, V.I. (Праці Інституту прикладної математики і механіки НАН України, 2017)
    It is proved that if a harmonic function u on the unit disk D in C has angular limits on a measurable set E of the unit circle, then its conjugate harmonic function v in D also has (finite !) angular limits a.e. on E and ...
  • Rudakova, O.A. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики, 2013)
    In this article we deal with a sequence of integral functionals defined on weighted Sobolev spaces associated with a sequence of n-dimensional domains. For the given functionals we consider variational problems with sets ...
  • Gutlyanskii, V.Ya.; Nesmelova, O.V.; Ryazanov, V.I. (Праці Інституту прикладної математики і механіки НАН України, 2017)
    We study the Dirichlet problem for the quasilinear partial differential equations of the form Δu(z) = h(z)·f(u(z)) in the unit disk D ⊂ C with functions h : D → R in the class Lp(D), p > 1, and continuous functions f : R ...
  • Degtyarev, S.P. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики, 2016)
    The present paper is devoted to studying of some weighted H¨older spaces. These spaces are designed in the way to serve as a framework for studying different statements for the thin film equations in weighted classes of ...
  • Kuznetsova, O.I. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики, 2015)
    The spherical Fourier sums of a periodic functions in m variables, the strong means and the strong integral means of these sums for p ≥ 1 are considered. In contrast to the one-dimensional case treated by Hardy and Littlewood, ...


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