Підтримка:The autors wish to thank Lykholit M.M., Grinenko V.M., Khodakovskiy V.M. for their help during this work and Machekhin Yu.P., Smulakovskiy V.M. for participating in the
omparisons of lasers. This work was supported by grant 2M/1380-97-24 of Ministry of science and technologies of Ukraine and by project B15/24 of NAS of Ukraine.
The results of experimental investigations of He-Ne/¹²⁷I₂ lasers (l = 633 nm) pumped by transverse rf-discharge are presented. Due to the low level of amplitude fluctuations, the frequency stability of such lasers reaches 5*10⁻¹³ for the integration time 100 s, and it is about six times as large as the stability of the lasers pumped by dc-discharge. The modulation shifts of the frequency of stabilized He-Ne/¹²⁷I₂ lasers were measured with high accuracy in the wide range of the frequency deviation 1.5 MHz ≤ D ≤ 20 MHz. The sources of the asymmetry of saturated-absorption resonances were determined as the joint action of the lenslike properties of the absorption medium and the elastic velocity-changing collisions of absorbing molecules. The results of a bilateral laser frequency comparison of the developed laser and the laser DE-3 (KIM, Kharkiv) are reported.