Інші назви:Генетическая изменчивость материнских деревьев и зародышей их семян в разновысотных популяциях Picea abies (L.) Karst. в Украинских Карпатах Genetic variation of maternal trees and their seed embryos in the Picea abies (L.) Karst. populations of various height in the Ukrainian Carpathians
On the basis of analysis of 7 allozymous loci of Picea abies maternal plants and their seed embryos, it is determined that genetic diversity of two populations of various height maintaines in their seed progenies. Insignificant genetic differentiation between tree samples and seed embryos of both populations is found. Genetic differentiation between maternal plants and seed embryos within every population was totally low. Height-altitude and low-laying Picea abies populations in the Ukrainian Carpathians have similar genetic structure and peculiarities of its inheriting despite difference in height of the populations.