Дослідження присвячене маловідомій сторінці з життя Харківського історичного музею – службовому житловому фонду і особам,
які там мешкали. В основу роботи покладено матеріали Будинкової книги, зміст якої проаналізовано за наступними показниками:
кількість мешканців, рік і місце народження, національність, місце
роботи, відношення до військової служби, рік, коли вони були прописані за цією адресою.
The study is dedicated to the little-known page from the life of
Kharkiv historical museum – service available housing and people who
lived there. It is based on the materials of the House register, the content
of which was analyzed according to the following parameters: the
amount of inhabitants, date and place of birth, nationality, place of
work, relation to the military service, year, when they were registered
at this address. It should be stated that one of the main problems for
citizens of then Kharkiv was deficit of housing. It also existed in prewar
times, but considering the scale of destruction of available housing
in the city in 1941–1943, the issue turned into a great challenge
for the authorities and Kharkiv citizens. It was being solved in diff erent
ways, from building new facilities to adaptation of various premises,
which were not accommodated to domestic needs. So, in Kharkiv historical
museum this issue was being solved by means of providing staff
with service housing, which was situated right in the museum at 8 and
10 Universytetska Street. But, apparently, not only agency staff lived
there; quite a few residents had nothing to do with the cultural institution
mentioned above. According to the soviet legislation in the field
of housing relations, all residents` passport details were entered in socalled
House registers. We found that in the period from 1950 to 1980
100 people lived in the museum premises. Mainly they were people of
Ukrainian ethnicity as well as Russians and Jewish. They didn`t work
in the museum, with a few exceptions. Only 7 museum employees were
recorded in the House register. There were quite a lot of schoolchildren
and students of Kharkiv educational institutions among inhabitants.
Period of residence is from 3 months to 25 years.