У статті розглядається історія українсько-білоруського роду Гошкевичів та сприйняття представниками цього роду жовтневого перевороту та подальшої радянізації суспільства. Оскільки серед
Гошкевичів були й чиновники, і офіцери, і науковці, і священнослужителі – їхня реакція на події цікава
не лише в контексті родинної історії, але й як приклад рецепції жовтневого перевороту суспільством.
Civil conflicts in the society always provokes family splits or the differences among friends. The
analysis of the perception of the October Revolution and “the triumphal march of Soviet” by the famous
Ukrainian families are interesting and insufficiently studied subject of Ukrainian history.
One such family was the Ukrainian-Belarusian Goshkevich (Gashkevich) family, in Ukraine they have
lived in Kherson Province, and at the territory of Belorussia – primarily in Mogilev Province (in pre-revolutionary
borders). Another reason to investigate this perception is the fact that, to some extent, Goshkevich family
has been some social cut of society of that time. Many of prominent people were representatives Goshkevich
family. There were high-ranking officials, acknowledged intellectuals, the military, and priests – and they did
not have a common vision of the future in the conditions of the radical change in the political system. So, they
have built their own model of behavior according to their political preferences and moral imperatives.
Therefore, for the better comprehension of the topic, authors have divided representatives of Goshkevich
family into four categories accordingly their social status:
– official: Kateryna Viktorivna Goshkevich-Sukhomlinova, Mykhailo Ivanovych Goshkevich and his
son Mykola Mykhailovych Goshkevich;
– officers: Fedir Vasylovych Fabricius and Mykola Leonidovych Goshkevich;
– intellectuals: Viktor Ivanovych Goshkevich and his step daughter Iryna Vasylivna Fabricius;
– orthodox priests: Leonid Ivanovych Goshkevich, Mykhailo Ivanovych Gashkevich, Ivan Ivanovych
According to this partition, the article is divided into analogous items in which the political position
of representatives of family is revealed.
В статье рассматривается история украинско-беларусского рода Гошкевичей и восприятие
представителями этого рода октябрьского переворота и дальнейшей советизации общества. Учитывая, что среди Гошкевичей были и чиновники, и офицеры, и ученые, и священнослужители – их реакция представляет интерес не только в контексте семейной истории, но и как пример реакции общества на события октябрьского переворота.