Розглянуті основні економічні проблеми, пов'язані зі створенням нових рентних відносин у сучасному водокористуванні, та умови виникнення диференційної водної ренти.
In given article the basic economic problems connected with creation of new rent relations in modern water use are examined, and circumstances of occurrence of the differential water rent are considered.
It is certain, that the differential rent is a kind of superprofit which depends on natural properties of water. As the part of the additional income, the rent should be raised according to relative density of the investment income in structure of cost of end production or service and to be installed differently.
The basic forms of the differential rent – the differential water rent І and ІІ are in details analysed. In our opinion the water rent is a subject to mutually advantageous distribution between the state and the water-user who has applied work and the capital for reception of an end-product or service. The Most part of the appropriated differential rent should go on maintenance of steady water use in the country. Withdrawal of the water rent from incomes of the enterprises-water-users should become the basis for the economic mechanism of regulation of water use.