Розглядаються дискусійні питання, що стосуються складних кліматичних та інших природних процесів, а також перспектив їх розвитку.
Contemporaries increasingly wonder: what happens on Earth and what are the prospects. Similar questions appear difficult periods in a society where people are troubled with defective mentality that encourages people throughout the trust. Research and many practical examples show that in the universe, the solar system and the Earth dominates total balance in all things, which is to the same degree observed between all parts of living matter, ie living organisms flora and fauna from the cell. Thus harmony - it is the law of nature, the violation of which leads to disasters and unpredictable natural and economic outcomes. Balance maintains a constant amount of living matter, which, in the opinion of Academician V. Vernadsky, unchanged since the beginning of the Cambrian era.