Проведено дослідження стану інституційного забезпечення формування та нарощення інформаційного потенціалу економічної безпеки. Запропоновано до запровадження нову субструктурну одиницю – державне агентство з питань інноваційної політики та формування інформаційного потенціалу України.
Studied the institutional support for the formation and increase the information capacity of economic security. An introduced the new unit – State Agency for innovative policy formation and information potential of Ukraine. Defined its principal objectives, goals, objectives, structure. Stages of formation and development.
On results application of base principles of structural and informative theory of providing of reliability of the difficult systems a new institute is formalized, that due to the use of having a special purpose functional will form in the state effective control system by development both strategic potential and informative to potential of providing of economic security. The list of key facilities and levers of influence is brought around to the system-universal and informative components of state korelyantiv in the context of achievement of national economic priorities and providing of sufficient economic strength security in Ukraine. Next to it, dominants and complex of conceptually-analytical models are set for the sake of protection of balanced within the limits of triad: an economy is ecology – social sphere.