Досліджується зарубіжний досвід створення мереж біосферних заповідників та представлено пропозиції щодо їх впровадження в Україні. Розглянуто особливості процесу формування екологічних мереж, їх суть та проблеми.
The article examines international practices in configuring the biosphere reserves networks and proposals for their implementation in Ukraine. It has been considered the process of configuring of ecological networks, their substance and problems.
Obviously, the functions of biosphere reserves are wider than functions of natural protected territories of any other type. They serve in some way as international environmental standards.
Conservation of ecosystem and genetic diversity requires strict protection regime, minimal human intervention in natural processes at a fairly large area. All over the world strictly protected territories, such as reserves, always need harsh protection measures.
One of the most fundamental ideas of recent decades in the field of theoretical and applied ecology is the creation of ecological network that will ensure conservation of both biodiversity and ecosystem in whole.