For a fixed real number ρ > 0, let L be an affine
line of slope ρ
in R
. We show that the closest approximation of
L by a path P in Z
is unique, except in one case, up to integral
translation. We study this exceptional case. For irrational ρ, the
projection of P to L yields two quasicrystallographic tilings in the
sense of Lunnon and Pleasants [5]. If ρ satisfies an equation x
² =
mx + 1 with m ∈ Z, both quasicrystals are mapped to each other
by a substitution rule. For rational ρ, we characterize the periodic
parts of P by geometric and arithmetic properties, and exhibit
a relationship to the hereditary algebras Hρ(K) over a field K
introduced in a recent proof of a conjecture of Ro˘ıter.