Известно, что простая область Безу является областью элементарных делителей тогда и только тогда, когда она 2-простая. В работе доказано, что над 2-простой областью Орэ стабильного ранга 1 произвольная матрица, не являющаяся ...
The object of the present paper is to study invariant submanifolds of a (k, μ)-contact manifold and to find the necessary and sufficient conditions for an invariant submanifold of a (k, μ)-contact manifold to be totally geodesic.
Объектом исследования в работе являются бесконечно малые ареальиые деформации (A-деформации) первого порядка, при которых сохраняются длины LGT-линий поверхности в E₃ - пространстве. Доказано, что любая регулярная поверхность ...
Let G be a finite non-Abelian group. We define a graph Γ G ; called the noncommuting graph of G; with a vertex set G − Z(G) such that two vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if xy ≠ yx: Abdollahi, Akbari, and Maimani ...
Sufficient conditions for the existence of a common fixed point of R-subweakly commuting mappings are established within the framework of a convex metric space. As applications, we obtain various results on the best ...
Let M be a smooth connected orientable compact surface and let Fcov(M,S1) be a space of all Morse functions f : M → S₁ without critical points on ∂M such that, for any connected component V of ∂M, the restriction f : V → ...
We present a review of some results of the non-Gaussian analysis in the biorthogonal approach and consider elements of the analysis associated with the generalized Meixner measure. The main objects of our interest are ...
The problem of estimation of a distribution function is considered in the case where the observer has access only to a part of the indicator random values. Some basic asymptotic properties of the constructed estimates are ...
We present a review of all interesting results concerning the c-table obtained by the authors for the last two decades. These results are not widely known because they were presented in publications of limited circulation. ...
Let F:M × R → M be a continuous flow on a topological manifold M. For every subset V⊂M, we denote by P(V) the set of all continuous functions ξ:V→R such that F(x,ξ(x))=x for all x∈V. These functions vanish at nonperiodic ...
We propose a new method for the construction of new “nice” configurations of vectors on the unit sphere S d with the use of spaces of spherical harmonics.
We study the properties of ⊕-cofinitely radical supplemented modules, or, briefly, cgs ⊕-modules. It is shown that a module with summand sum property (SSP) is cgs ⊕ if and only if M/w Loc⊕ M (w Loc⊕ M is the sum of all ...
Amirov, R. Kh.; Topsakal, N.; Guldu, Y.(Український математичний журнал, 2010)
The Sturm–Liouville problem with linear discontinuities is investigated in the case where an eigenparameter appears not only in a differential equation but also in boundary conditions. Properties and the asymptotic behavior ...
We study the singularities of Galilean height functions intrinsically related to the Frenet frame along a curve embedded into the Galilean space. We establish the relationships between the singularities of the discriminant ...