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Перегляд Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006, том 9 за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006, том 9 за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Braginets, E.V.; Girnyk, V.I.; Kostyukevych, S.A.; Kurashov, V.N.; Soroka, A.A.; Moskalenko, N. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    It is well known that one of the basic functions of security holograms is the maximal complication of their non-authorized reproduction, in other words – counterfeiting. To solve the problem, concealed images that can be ...
  • Merabtine, N.; Bousnane, Z.; Benslama, M.; Boussaad, F. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    Based on the consideration given by the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) theory according to the variational principle, we assume that the microscopic Gibbs function density given by [1] ∫VGsdV = ∫(Fs - 1/4pBH)dv must be stationary ...
  • Savkina, R.K.; Sizov, F.F.; Smirnov, A.B.; Tetyorkin, V.V. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    Electrophysical parameters of Hg₁₋xCdxTe thin films grown by liquid-phase epitaxy and molecular-beam epitaxy were investigated before and after the high-frequency sonication ( fUS = 7.5 MHz, WUS ~ 10⁴ W/m²). It was determined ...
  • Brodovoy, А.V.; Veremenko, A.M.; Skryshevsky, V.A.; Vlasyuk, А.V. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    The influence of constant magnetic field on thermostimutated current, photoconductivity, and magnetic susceptibility of ZnSe-GaAs solid solutions were studied. It was shown that exposition in constant magnetic field results ...
  • Asnis, Yu.A.; Baranskii, P.I.; Babich, V.M.; Zabolotin, S.P.; Ptushinskii, Yu.G.; Sukretnyi, V.G. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    Method of mass-spectrometry with time-of-flight recording of the desorbed products was used to study the gas evolution of impurities from the subsurface layer of Si crystals molten by the electron beam (of ~2 mm² area) in ...
  • Gritsenko, M.I.; Kucheev, S.I.; Lytvyn, P.M.; Tishenko, V.G.; Tkach, V.M.; Yelshansky, V.B. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    In this work, the method to form bistable patterning in a cholesteric cell with Bragg’s reflection in the visible spectral range is demonstrated. In order to reach this, we used a Si/SiO₂ structure in which a potential ...
  • Red'ko, R. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    To study an influence of the microwave irradiation on a spectrum of defect states in semiconductor compound GaAs, we used measurements of luminescence spectra within the range 0.5 to 2.04 eV at 77 К before and after long ...
  • Morozovska, A.N. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    The thermodynamical theory of nanodomain tailoring in ferroelectrics-semiconductors allowing for semiconducting properties, screening and size effects is presented. The obtained analytical results prove that domains ...
  • Morozovska, A.N.; Eliseev, E.A.; Remiens, D.; Soyer, C. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    We have modified the Landau-Khalatnikov approach and shown that the pyroelectric response of inhomogeneous ferroelectric-semiconductor films can be described using six coupled equations for six order parameters: average ...
  • Talanin, V.I.; Talanin, I.E.; Koryagin, S.A.; Semikina, M.Yu. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    An alternative mathematical model of vacancy microvoid formation in dislocation-free silicon single crystals was represented. The analysis of conditions of microvoid nucleation inside the bulk of crystals during cooling ...
  • Garbovskiy, Yu.; Sadovenko, A.; Koval'chuk, A.; Klimusheva, G.; Bugaychuk, S. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    Recording the dynamic holograms with microsecond relaxation times under action of laser pulses was obtained in composites based on the novel class of liquid crystals (LC), namely in ionic metal-alkanoates. Holographic ...
  • Gudyma, Yu.; Ivans'kii, B.; Semenko, O. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    We study a re-entrant transition in an exciton bistable system under the influence of multiplicative noise. The re-entrant behavior is predictable for specific values of the system control parameter when increasing the ...
  • Boltovets, N.S.; Konakova, R.V.; Kudryk, Ya.Ya.; Milenin, V.V.; Mitin, V.F.; Mitin, E.V.; Lytvyn, O.S.; Kapitanchuk, L.M. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    We consider ohmic contacts to the n-InSb epitaxial layers grown on a semi-insulating GaAs substrate. The ohmic contacts are formed through titanium metallization with subsequent gilding. Using the structural (AFM and XRD) ...
  • Madatov, R.S.; Tagiyev, B.G.; Najafov, A.I.; Tagiyev, T.B.; Gabulov, I.A.; Shakili, Sh.P. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    The influence of γ-quanta irradiation on photoelectrical and optical properties of lamellar GaS single crystals at different temperatures has been investigated. It is determined that the irradiation of pure crystals at the ...
  • Kanev, St.; Nenova, Z.; Koprinarov, N. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    A complex investigation of the photoconductivity of fullerene films, prepared by thermal evaporation in vacuum, was carried out. The investigated films contain predominantly C₆₀ in various phases as shown elsewhere. The ...
  • Huseynov, A.H.; Mamedov, R.M. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    Low-resistance and high-resistance single crystals of Ag₃In₅Se₉ compound have been grown using the methods of zone recrystallization and slow cooling at a constant gradient of temperature. We have investigated spectral and ...
  • Katerynchuk, V.M.; Kovalyuk, M.Z.; Tovarnitskii, M.V. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    For layered InSe crystals photoluminescence spectra were investigated and the corresponding radiative transitions were analyzed. It was found that along with the band-to-band transitions the radiative ones with participation ...
  • Nikolenko, A.S.; Kondratenko, S.V.; Vakulenko, O.V. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    Photovoltaic properties of Si samples with Ge quantum dots were studied. Photosensitivity spectra and current-voltage characteristics at 90 and 290 K were investigated. Negative photoconductivity of samples was revealed ...
  • Katih, M.; Diouri, J.; El Haddad, A. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    The electric polarizability α of ionized-donor-bound exciton D+X in bulk semiconductor is calculated for all values of the effective electron-to-hole mass ratio σ included in the range of stability (σ<σχ). The calculation ...
  • Moskvin, P.P.; Khodakovsky, V.V.; Rashkovets’kyi, L.V. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    p −T− x diagram of Cd-Hg-Te system is analyzed in the framework of the polyassociative solution model. The temperature dependence of the dissociation constant for ternary complexes, which describes the mixing effects, was ...


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