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Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Kozyrovska, N.O. (Вiopolymers and Cell, 2013)
    Plants are heavily populated by pro- and eukaryotic microorganisms and represent therefore the tremendous complexity as a biological system. This system exists as an information-processing entity with rather complex processes ...
  • Slonchak, A.М.; Cwieduk, A.; Rzerzowska-Wolny, J.; Obolenskaya, M.Yu. (2009)
    Aim. The human GSTP1 is a major enzyme of phase II detoxification in the most cell types. Aberrant expression of GSTP1 is associated with carcinogenesis and development of multidrug resistance. The GSTP1 gene expression ...
  • Zaika, M.I.; Rohacek, J.; Korneyev, V.A. (Вестник зоологии, 2010)
  • Levashov, S.; Korchagin, I.; Kozlenko, Yu.; Solovyov, V. (Український антарктичний журнал, 2006)
    The Ukrainian Antarctic expeditions provided new geophysical data for many West Antarctica bottom structures. Gravity, magnetic- and electromagnetic surveys near the Antarctic Peninsula enabled to specify the age of the ...
  • Badiyan, E.E.; Tonkopryad, A.G.; Shekhovtsov, O.V.; Shurinov, R.V. (Functional Materials, 2007)
    Connection between crystallographic orientation of grains and arise and develpment of the main cracks in plastic deformated two-dimentional aluminium polycrystals with the average size of grains of about 10 mm is investigated. ...
  • Solovyov, V.D.; Bakhmutov, V.G.; Korchagin, I.N.; Levashov, S.P. (Український антарктичний журнал, 2009)
    The Ukrainian Antarctic expeditions acquired new geoelectrical data ('short-impulse electromagnetic field formation' – FSPEF, and 'vertical electric-resonance sounding' – VERS) along profiles across Drake Passage and ...
  • Szmyrka-Grzebyk, A.; Kowal, A. (Физика низких температур, 2009)
    International temperature scales define several fixed points, which temperature values are determined with a very high precision. Some of them, which are in a low-temperature range, are called gaseous fixed points because ...
  • Batrakov, A.B.; Kravchenko, V.A.; Lonin, Yu.F.; Chernyshenko, V.Ya. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2004)
    It is known that in relativistic electron bunching (REB) accelerators the main residual gases are air components. Under irradiation in targets made of different materials being studied, a significant increase of a level ...
  • Nazin, S.; Chikina, I.; Shikin, V. (Физика низких температур, 2013)
    The emphasis is made on experimentally observed indications of the presence of metastable ion dipoles in solid helium. Similar quasiparticles possessing positive scattering length for injected electrons are assumed to exist ...
  • Shindo, Y.; Narita, F.; Suzuki, M.; Shindo, I. (Проблемы прочности, 2010)
    Исследуется влияние магнитного поля на закономерности разрушения метастабильной аустенитной нержавеющей стали при криогенных температурах. При испытании компактных образцов на растяжение в среде жидкого гелия при температуре ...
  • Gorbyk, P.P.; Dubrovin, I.V.; Filonenko, M.M. (Functional Materials, 2007)
    Low temperature synthesis of single-domain magnetite particles at the liquid-solid interface was developed. Spherical particles of crystalline magnetite with size of 6-50 nm were prepared. Investigation of phase and element ...
  • Znojil, M. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2009)
    One-dimensional unitary scattering controlled by non-Hermitian (typically, PT-symmetric) quantum Hamiltonians H ≠ H† is considered. Treating these operators via Runge-Kutta approximation, our three-Hilbert-space formulation ...
  • Бондаренко, Н.А.; Щур, Л.А. (2008)
    Приведены результаты исследования таксономического состава, численности, биомассы и первичной продукции представителей Cryptophyta водоёмов и водотоков, расположенных в Красноярском крае, Иркутской и Читинской областях, ...
  • Bezkrovna, O.V. (Український антарктичний журнал, 2005)
    Cryptopygus antarcticus впервые было найдено на нескольких островах Аргентинского архіиелагу в 2000-2001 гг. Находка была подтверджена в 2005 году.
  • Мамаев, Б.М. (Вестник зоологии, 1995)
  • Horvath, Zs.J.; Toth, A.L.; Rakovics, V.; Paszti, Z.; Peto, G. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    Electrical characteristics of p-type Au/lnP Schottky junctions with Pt nanoparticles sandwiched in epitaxial layer have been studied and compared with reference samples. Various anomalies have been obtained, some of them ...
  • Gutov, O.V.; Rusanov, E.B.; Yegorov, O.A.; Chernega, A.N. (Журнал органічної та фармацевтичної хімії, 2008)
    The semizwitterionic viologens have been synthesized as a new tectones for the crystal engineering of functional materials. It has been shown by the single crystal X-ray diffraction that in contrast to the parent bicationic ...
  • Zhmurin, P.N.; Masalov, A.A. (Functional Materials, 2005)
    Аb initio calculation of term split of D₂ a Pr³⁺ ion in У Y₂SiO₅ crystal for two non-equivalent optical centers is carried out. The calculated splitting values agree satisfactorily with experimental data and allow to ...
  • Byrne, O.; Collier, M.A.; Ryan, M.C.; McCaffrey, J.G. (Физика низких температур, 2010)
    Narrow excitation features present on the [Ar]3d⁶4s¹ a⁶D(J=9/2–1/2)←[Ar]3d⁵4s² a⁶S1/2 transitions of manganese atoms isolated in solid Kr are analyzed within the framework of weak crystal field splitting. Use of the Wp ...
  • Badiyan, E.E.; Tonkopriad, A.G.; Sakharova, N.A.; Shekhovtsov, O.V.; Shurinov, R.V. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    The crystal-geometric model of rigid atomic structure of small-angle and large-angle grain boundaries is considered, which takes into account not only complete but also partial atomic coincidences. The concepts developed ...