Chechkin, V.V.; Sorokovoy, E.L.; Grigor’eva, L.I.; Slavnyj, A.S.; Sorokovoy, Ye.L.; Volkov, E.D.; Nazarov, N.I.; Burchenko, P.Ya.; Tsybenko, S.A.; Lozin, A.V.; Kulaga, A.Ye.; Litvinov, A.P.; Mironov, Yu.K.; Romanov, V.S.; Masuzaki, S.; Yamazaki, K.
(Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
Under conditions of spontaneous change of plasma confinement state having been observed recently in the U-3M torsatron with a natural helical divertor, it is shown that at the initial phase of this change all the components ...