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Перегляд Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020, Vol. 29, Vol. 30 за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020, Vol. 29, Vol. 30 за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Hüttemann, T.; Zhang, Z. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    Let R be a ring with unit. Passing to the colimit with respect to the standard inclusions GL(n,R) → GL(n+1,R) (which add a unit vector as new last row and column) yields, by definition, the stable linear group GL(R); the ...
  • Adarchenko, N.M. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    Let σ = {σi | i ∈ I} be a partition of the set of all primes ℙ and G a finite group. G is said to be σ-soluble if every chief factor H/K of G is a σᵢ-group for some i = i(H/K). A set H of subgroups of G is said to be a ...
  • Akbari, M.; Chen, X.Y.; Moghaddamfar, A.R. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    It is proved that nonabelian finite simple groups S with max π(S) = 37 are uniquely determined by their order and degree pattern in the class of all finite groups.
  • Karimi, S.; Payrovi, Sh. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
  • Zabavsky, B.V.; Romaniv, O.; Kuznitska, B.; Hlova, T. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    We study an analogue of unique factorization rings in the case of an elementary divisor domain.
  • Akhter, S.; Farooq, R. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    In this paper, we compute the bounds for general sum-connectivity index of several graph operations. These operations include corona product, cartesian product, strong product, composition, join, disjunction and symmetric ...
  • Protasov, I. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
  • Zabavsky, B.; Romaniv, A.; Kysil, T. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    In this paper we consider elementary reduction of matrices over rings of almost stable range 1.
  • Worawiset, S.; Koppitz, J. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    In the present paper, we study semigroups of endomorphisms on Clifford semigroups with injective structure homomorphisms, where the semilattice has a least element. We describe such Clifford semigroups having a regular ...
  • Sharma, P.; Naresh, R.; Sharma, U. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    In this manuscript, we have evaluated the energies of Smith graphs. In the course of the investigation, we found that only one Smith graph is hypo-energetic. Moreover, we have also established the energy bounds for Smith graphs.
  • Автор відсутній (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    The famous Ukrainian mathematician and educator, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Fedir Mykolayovych Lyman passed away on June 13, 2020 after a long illness.
  • Kniahina, V.N.; Monakhov, V.S. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    A Schmidt group is a non-nilpotent group in which every proper subgroup is nilpotent. A subgroup A of a group G is semi-normal in G if there exists a subgroup B of G such that G = AB and AB1 is a proper subgroup of G for ...
  • Özdemir, S. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    Let R be a ring, let M be a left R-module, and let U, V, F be submodules of M with F proper. We call V an F-supplement of U in M if V is minimal in the set F ⊆ X ⊆ M such that U+X = M, or equivalently, F ⊆ V , U+V = M and ...
  • Rezaei Sh. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    Let (R,m) be a local ring, Ф a system of ideals of R and M a finitely generated R-module. In this paper, we define and study general formal local cohomology modules. We denote the i-th general formal local cohomology module ...
  • ‎Ansari-Toroghy, H.; Farshadifar, F.; ‎Maleki-Roudposhti, S. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    In this paper, we will introduce the concepts of generalized 2-absorbing and strongly generalized 2-absorbing second submodules of modules over a commutative ring and obtain some related results.
  • Garcia Elsener, A. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    We prove that all gentle 2-Calabi–Yau tilted algebras are Jacobian, moreover their bound quiver can be obtained via block decomposition. For two related families, the m-cluster-tilted algebras of type A and à , we prove ...
  • Simoes da Silva, J.; Tsurkov, A. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    In this paper we construct an example of two representations (V₁,G₁) and (V₂,G₂) which are action type geometrically equivalent and groups G₁ and G₂ are geometrically equivalent, but the representations (V₁,G₁) and (V₂,G₂) ...
  • Pratsiovytyi, M.V.; Lysenko, I.M.; Maslova, Yu.P. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    In the paper, we consider a two-symbol system of encoding for real numbers with two bases having different signs g₀ < 1 and g₁ = g₀ − 1. Transformations (bijections of the set to itself) of interval [0, g₀] preserving tails ...
  • Rajhi, A. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    We prove that the groups G for which the lattice of normal subgroups N(G) is factorial are exactly the UND-groups, that is the groups for which every normal subgroup have a unique normal complement, with finite length.
  • Автор відсутній (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    On March 25, 2020, Professor Igor Ya. Subbotin turned 70.


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