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Перегляд Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2016, Vol. 21, № 2 за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2016, Vol. 21, № 2 за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Zhuchok, Y.V. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2016)
    We determine all isomorphisms between the endomorphism semigroups of free commutative g-dimonoids and prove that all automorphisms of the endomorphism semigroup of a free commutative g-dimonoid are quasi-inner.
  • Gutierrez, M.; Tondato, S.B. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2016)
    Chordal graphs, which are intersection graph of subtrees of a tree, can be represented on trees. Some representation of a chordal graph often reduces the size of the data structure needed to store the graph, permitting the ...
  • Jaber, A. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2016)
    Let R be a commutative super-ring with unity 16= 0. A proper super ideal of R is a super ideaI of R such that I 6=R.Letφ:I(R)→I(R)∪ {∅}be any function, where I(R) denotes the set of all proper super ideals of R. A homogeneous ...
  • Darani, A.Y.; Mostafanasab, H. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2016)
    This article introduces the notions quasi-co-n-absorbing preradicals and semi-co-n-absorbing preradicals, generalizing the concept of semicoprime preradicals. We study the concepts quasi-co-n-absorbing submodules and ...
  • Mendes, D.I.C. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2016)
    The structure of certain involution rings which have exactly one minimal *-biideal is determined. In addition, involution rings with identity having a unique maximal biideal are characterized.
  • Автор відсутній (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2016)
    Distinguished Professor of Ivan Franko L'viv National University, Doctor of Sciences Mykola Komarnytskyi passed away on April 21, 2016. His sudden death is a great loss for L'viv mathematicians and for the entire Ukrainian ...
  • Bardyla, S.; Gutik, O. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2016)
    We study algebraic structure of the λ-polycyclic monoid Pλ and its topologizations. We show that the λ-polycyclic monoid for an infinite cardinal λ≥2 has similar algebraic properties so has the polycyclic monoid Pn with ...
  • Bezushchak, O.; Oliynyk, B.; Sushchansky, V. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2016)
    General conditions under which certain relational structure contains a lattice of substructures isomorphic to Steinitz's lattice are formulated. Under some natural restrictions we consider relational structures with the ...
  • Pawlik, B.T. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2016)
    Base (minimal generating set) of the Sylow 2-subgroup of S₂n is called diagonal if every element of this set acts non-trivially only on one coordinate, and different elements act on different coordinates. The Sylow 2-subgroup ...
  • Protasov, I.; Protasova, K. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2016)
    Given two ordinal λ and γ, let f:[0,λ)→[0,γ) be a function such that, for each α<γ, sup{f(t):t∈[0,α]}<γ. We define a mapping df:[0,λ)×[0,λ)⟶[0,γ) by the rule: if x<y then df(x,y)=df(y,x)=sup{f(t):t∈(x,y]}, d(x,x)=0. The ...
  • Wisbauer, R. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2016)
    As observed by Eilenberg and Moore (1965), for a monad F with right adjoint comonad G on any category A, the category of unital F-modules AF is isomorphic to the category of counital G-comodules AG. The monad F is ...


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