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Перегляд Condensed Matter Physics, 2014, № 3 за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Condensed Matter Physics, 2014, № 3 за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Personalia (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    On August 27th, 2014 Ralph Kenna - member of the Editorial Board of "Condensed Matter Physics" and renowned expert in the fields of statistical physics and complex systems - celebrated his 50th birthday.
  • Šuvakov, M.; Tadić, B. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    Using agent-directed simulations, we investigate fluctuations in the collective emotional states on a chat network where agents interchange messages with a fixed number of moderators and emotional Bot. To design a realistic ...
  • Izmailian, N.; Kenna, R. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    It is well known that the imposition of a constraint can transform the properties of critical systems. Early work on this phemomenon by Essam and Garelick, Fisher, and others, focused on the effects of constraints on the ...
  • Marcuzzi, M.; Gambassi, A. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    We revisit here the problem of the collective non-equilibrium dynamics of a classical statistical system at a critical point and in the presence of surfaces. The effects of breaking separately space- and time-translational ...
  • Scala, A.; De Sanctis Lucentini, P.G. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    Entropic forces in colloidal suspensions and in polymer-colloid systems are of long-standing and continuing interest. Experiments show how entropic forces can be used to control the self-assembly of colloidal particles. ...
  • López, A.; Bolívar, N.; Medina, E.; Berche, B. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    We address the description of a graphene Corbino disk in the context of a tight binding approach that includes both kinetic and Rashba spin-orbit coupling due to an external out-of-plane electric field. Persistent equilibrium ...
  • Izmailian, N.; Kenna, R. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    We analyze the resistance between two nodes in a cobweb network of resistors. Based on an exact expression, we derive the asymptotic expansions for the resistance between the center node and a node on the boundary of the ...
  • Sugakov, V.I. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    The hydrodynamic equations for indirect excitons in the double quantum wells are studied taking into account 1) a possibility of an exciton condensed phase formation, 2) the presence of pumping, 3) finite value of the ...
  • Çetin, U.; Bingol, H.O. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    How attention scarcity effects the outcomes of a game? We present our findings on a version of the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma (IPD) game in which players can accept or refuse to play with their partner. We study the memory ...
  • Kriuchevskyi, I.A.; Bulavin, L.A.; Tarasevich, Yu.Yu.; Lebovka, N.I. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    This work studies the jamming and percolation of parallel squares in a single-cluster growth model. The Leath-Alexandrowicz method was used to grow a cluster from an active seed site. The sites of a square lattice were ...
  • Nazarov, L.I.; Nechaev, S.K.; Tamm, M.V. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    We present a model of an AB-diblock random copolymer sequential self-packaging with local quenched interactions on a one-dimensional infinite sticky substrate. It is assumed that the A-A and B-B contacts are favorable, ...
  • Dotsenko, V. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    Explicit expression for the N-point free energy distribution function in one dimensional directed polymers in a random potential is derived in terms of the Bethe ansatz replica technique. The obtained result is equivalent ...
  • Blavatska, V.; Fricke, N.; Janke, W. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    A brief review of our recent studies aiming at a better understanding of the scaling behaviour of polymers in disordered environments is given. The main emphasis is on a simple generic model where the polymers are represented ...
  • Holovatch, Y.; Janke, W.; Thurner, S. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    It is our great honour to present the CMP special issue devoted to self-organization and collective behaviour in complex systems. A complex system is a system whose emergent properties are not simple sums of the properties ...
  • Khomenko, A.V. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    The formation of an adatom adsorption structure in dynamic force microscopy experiment is shown as a result of the spontaneous appearance of shear strain caused by external supercritical heating. This transition is described ...
  • Khymyn, R.S.; Kireev, V.E.; Ivanov, B.O. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    The regular array of magnetic particles (magnetic dots) of the form of a two-dimensional triangular lattice in the presence of external magnetic field demonstrates complicated magnetic structures. The magnetic symmetry of ...
  • Chatelain, C. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    A Griffiths phase has recently been observed by Monte Carlo simulations in the 2D q-state Potts model with strongly correlated quenched random couplings. In particular, the magnetic susceptibility was shown to diverge ...
  • Palchykov, V.; Kaski, K.; Kert\'esz, J. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    Although a number of models have been developed to investigate the emergence of culture and evolutionary phases in social systems, one important aspect has not yet been sufficiently emphasized. This is the structure of the ...
  • Kharchenko, D.O.; Kharchenko, V.O.; Kokhan, S.V. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    Analytical approaches describing non-Fickian diffusion in complex systems are presented. The corresponding methods are applied to the study of statistical properties of pyramidal islands formation with interacting adsorbate ...
  • Kostrobij, P.; Tokarchuk, R.; Tokarchuk, M.; Markiv, B. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    The Zubarev nonequilibrium statistical operator (NSO) method in Renyi statistics is discussed. The solution of q-parametrized Liouville equation within the NSO method is obtained. A statistical approach for a consistent ...


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