Досліджено міжконфесійні взаємовідносини на Волині наприкінці ХІХ – на початку ХХ ст. З’ясовано роль органів російської влади в їх ускладненні. Проаналізовано причини зростання кількості протестантських громад у краї та реакцію на цей процес православного духовенства.
Исследованы межконфессиональные взаимоотношения на Волыни в конце XIX – начале ХХ в. Выяснена роль органов российской власти в их усложнении. Проанализированы причины роста количества протестантских общин в крае и реакцию на этот процесс православного духовенства.
Studied in Volyn interfaith relations in late XIX – early XX century. On the basis of sources proved that in the study period in this region of the Orthodox changed their denominational affiliation and accepted the Protestant faith. The emergence of the Protestant community in the province was caused by German and Czech colonization of Volyn and early Protestantism was distributed among the new settlers. Eventually he went out colonists. Some locals changed his denominational affiliation, tore with Orthodoxy and accepted Protestant doctrine. Opposition from the Orthodox Church and the government does not produce the desired result for them, the number of Protestant communities in Volyn increased.
The main reason to be considered a conservative Orthodox clergy, holding him Russification policy implementation parish priest of government functions, etc., which helped break the once close relationship with parishioners. Instead of democracy protesters attracted persons who were disappointed in Orthodoxy.
Opposition by the Orthodox clergy and authorities Protestants, including their prosecution has not stopped growing number of supporters of Protestant faiths. It is noteworthy that among Protestants, there were various religious trends. Attempts to discredit their opponents in the eyes of the general public contributed to complication and so not simple interfaith relations in Volyn, which negatively affected the social situation in the region. These trends intensified on the eve of the First World War.