Приведены данные по биологии и фенологии каштановой минирующей моли в
Украине в 2003—2005 гг. Обсуждаются особенности фенологии 4 генераций
каштановой минирующей моли и особенности зимовки вредителя в полевых
условиях. Приведены фенологические таблицы для каждой генерации вредителя,
фенограммы развития каштановой моли в условиях Киева, а также таблица и
диграмма, характеризующие количественное соотношение различных стадий
развития моли при уходе на зимовку.
New data about biology and phenology of the horse chestnut leaf-miner
since May 2003 till the end of May 2005 are given. Phenological
peculiarities of the four generations of
the horse chestnut leaf-mining moth as well as the results of the
hibernation of this pest are discussed.
A calculation of the amount of the effective temperatures from the
beginning of the moth flight and also
the terms of the development of the leaf-miner in the season-2004 are
represented. Phenological tables
for the each generation of the about mentioned pest along with the
phenogram reflected the development
of the horse chestnut leaf-mining moth together with the table and diagram,
wich are characteristic of
quantitative correlation of the different phases of the leaf-miner before
its going to the hibernation, are
made for the first time as adaptable to Koiv natural environment.