Статтю присвячено аналізу трьох елліністичних теракотових фігурок із зображенням Матері
богів на троні, встановленню часу, місця та послідовності їх виготовлення, визначенню звичних і
нових для Ольвії елементів іконографії.
В статье устанавливается связь между тремя терракотами, изображающими Мать богов на троне.
Фрагменты двух из них изготовлены в Западном
Причерноморье в одной форме, привезенной из северо-западной части Малой Азии, третий — в Ольвии по примеру этих фигурок.
In the article, the relation between three terracottas
depicting the Mother of the gods on the throne is
determined. Fragments of two of them were made in
one of the West Pontic centres in a single mould which
was apparently imported from the north-western part
of Asia Minor, the third one was made in Olbia based
on the example of these figurines. The former ones are
dated by the end of the 4th c. BC and the beginning of
the 3rd c. BC, while the latter is dated approximately by
the middle of the 3rd c. BC. Cast made by the imported
terracotta was altered according to the local tastes and religious believes. While the lion cub on original depiction
is located under the foot, it appears on the lap of the goddess on the Olbian example.