На основі матеріалів Генерального опису Малоросії 1765-1769 рр. висвітлена історія володінь Петра Васильовича Кочубея в Батурині у 1767 році.
На основе материалов Генерального описания Малороссии 1765-1769 гг. освещена
история владений Петра Васильевича Кочубея в Батурине в 1767 году.
In the Central State historical archives of Ukraine in Kyiv it is kept «General description
of Little Russia in 1765-1769 th «. The d escription contains detailed information about
the cities and villages, their populations. In this paper there is the description of Baturyn.
During the working up the description an interesting document that refers to the possession
of Petro Vasylyovych Kochubey in Batur yn was found.
He took up a post of bunchukovyi comrade. His father was Vasyliy Vasylyovych
Kochubey. He held the position of Poltava c olonel. His mother was Marfa Ivanovna
Yanovych. According his father’s will he got some possession s in Batu ryn. Among the
possessions there was the house of his grandfather, Vasyliy Leontiyovych Kochubey. He
was the judge general at the times of he tman Ivan Mazepa.
This house has survived until nowadays. The museum is kept there. Also, Petro Vasylyovych
owned the peasant yards. Petro Vasylyovych Kochubey constantly didnt live in
Baturyn. Vas yliy Karas was looking after the house. On the territory of the estate there
were many wooden buildings, as well as the c hurch. It was built at the expense of Petro
Vasylyovych Kochubey. The c hurch had not survived till the present time. Petro Vasylyovych
Kochubey received a good profit. The g reat income was coming from the mill.
Petro Vasylyovych Kochubey had never been married. He d ied when he was young. All
his possessions were divided between his brothers.