На основі даних з інтенсивности фотосинтезу у науковій розвідці з’ясовано відношення дуба скельного і дуба звичайного до світла, температури й відносної вологости повітря, кислотности ґрунтів.
The comparative data on net photosynthesis intensity of sessile oak and pedunculate oak
seedlings in controlled environment are presented. According to these data sessile oak in comparison with pedunculate oak is both more shade-tolerant and light-loving, besides it is more thermophilous and heat-resistant, but less drought-resistant (in relation to air drought). It was found out that strong acid substratum (soils) contrary to weak acid substratum (soils) is more favorable for life activity of both species, sessile oak especially. The role of oak species ecological properties in their coenotic interrelations is examined.