As the result of studies of the tephritid flies in Tehran Province (Iran) in 2008–2009, 38 species of 22 genera are found to occur in this region; altogether 47 species are listed; of them, 9 species and 2 genera (Chetostoma and Xyphosia) are recorded for the first time for Iranian fauna. In addition, Steptorrhamphus tuberosus is reported as a new host plant for Ensina sonchi.
В результате исследований мух-пестрокрылок в провинции Тегеран (Иран) в 2008–2009 гг. обнаружены 38 видов из 22 родов; приведен список 47 видов, известных из района исследований, из которых 9 видов и 2 рода (Chetostoma и Xyphosia) впервые отмечены в фауне Ирана. Кроме того, Steptorrhamphus tuberosus указан как новое кормовое растение Ensina sonchi.
We are grateful to Dr. Valery A. Korneyev (I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, NAS of Ukraine) for confirmation of identification of specimens, review of early versions of this manuscript and valuable comments. We also thank Dr. Bernhard Merz (Muse´um d’histoire naturelle, Gene`ve, Switzerland) for sending reprints and kind assistance during our studies of Tephritidae. We also thank Ms Masoumi, University of Teheran, for identification of host plants.