Целью данной статьи является изучение речи дикторов британского телеканала "Discovery" и выявление характерных для речи дикторов фоностилистических особенностей.
Метою даної статті є вивчення мови дикторів британського телеканалу "Discovery" і виявлення характерних для мови дикторів фоностілістічеськіх особливостей.
This article is about the most characteristic features of the speech of the dictors on the british television "Discovery Channel". Here is also given the main ideas of the essence of the social linguistics, phonostylistics, some classifications of the extralinguistic factors made by such phonologists as S.M.Gaiduchick, G.A.Veihman. These factors make one of the most important influence on the process of the speech-making of the dictors on "Discovery Channel" what was proven practically. In this article one can also find some results of the phonologi-cal experiment where it was practically proven and found out the most character-istic features of the dictors's speech, its phonological characteristic features. At the end of the article it is given the conclusions based on the phonological ex-periment and analysis and theoretical material.