Нами изучена изменчивость чешуи рыб в разных условиях обитания в первые годы жизни, а также закладка малькового кольца при резкой смене характера питания в эксперименте, что имеет методическое значение, т. к. зачастую недоучет малькового кольца влечет неправильное определение суммы годовых колец
Under different habitat conditions the growth ratios of the fish scales and body differ even during the first year. It was found that the alevine ring forms in fish subjected to a sharp change in diet. The number of annual rings on the scale is the same at various points of the fish body. On this basis special nomograms are proposed for the reconstruction of fish growth by the scales taken from areas of the body which are most frequently preserved after the catch, even in fish with easily shed scales.