В настоящей работе представлены материалы маршрутно-экспедиционного обследования Краснооскольского водохранилища, проведенного под руководством проф. Л. А. Шкорбатова в 1959—1961 гг.
Data are presented on a three-year investigation (1959—1961) of the specific composition, numbers and distribution of Krasnooskolsky reservoir phytoplankton. Non-uniform phytoplankton distribution was noted along the longitudinal axis of the reservoir, along the vertical, and by years of investigation. The dominant forms are established and the blue-green algae are indicated, which cause annual «blooming» of the water in summer. Changes are noted in the phytoplankton composition as it passes through the dam. On the basis of the investigations it was established that the Krasnooskolsky reservoir belongs to the fluviolacustrine type by the specific composition, numbers and distribution of phytoplankton.