Subgenus Ornitogastia Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960, is advanced to gene- ric level. A key to known species is given.
O. ariadnae sp. n. is described from birds collected in theSouthern Ukraine; it is distinct by the following characters: SIF=5B=N=3=2111=3'2'00; fPp=B-B-N.N.B; fSt=2=2.2; Ip=815 (774=829): NDV=82 (76= 89) ; standard measurements and illustra-
tions are given in the text.
The newspecies isclosely related to O. paenitens (Brennan, 1950), differs from it by lower idiosomal setae number, scutum size etc. Of U S S R fauna species it is closest to O. ripariae (Schluger etZhmajeva,1961), however, the absenceof MTand Mt in O. ripariae and O. ornata ( S c h l u g e r , 1961) causes their special position within the