Статтю присвячено питанням історії вивчення фортець Великого князівства Литовського на
теренах Київській землі за писемними та археологічними джерелами. Запропонований порівняльний
аналіз та типологія фортець, намічені завдання подальших досліджень.
The study of fortresses on the territory of the Kyiv
area in the Lithuanian period is one of the actual tasks
of the formation of a new look on the Ukrainian history.
As it is known it was the stage of the castell tower system
of fortification, taking not only defense, but social
and political, economic position, status of administrative
centers and places of living of the social elite.
In the course of the Lithuanian period, the following stages
of the development of system of castell constructing are
fixed: At the end of 14th — at the beginning of 15th century
the castell tower system of fortification had been formed;
On the second stage at the middle of 15th — in the second
half of 16th century — the period of adaptation of the
castell tower system to the artillery and the appearance
of the system of basteja.
In the Kyiv area two types of fortress constructing
were fixed. The North and central parts of the area: the
continuation of Old Rus traditions of the fortification on
the base of wooden and earth constructions with two or
three flour wooden towers. The transmission to the arm
stage on the base of artillery took place. Planning structure:
triangle and rectangular forms.
On the South — the transition to the stone tower system,
fortificated with wooden-earth constructions and
stone counterforts, two or three flour towers, distribution
of European types artillery. Planning structure: triangle
and rectangular forms.
For example: the Kyiv Castle which became the center
of statehood in the time of Vladimir Olgerdovich; the system
of castles in the rest of the territory; the creation of the
fortification system of the South by Prince Vytautas, which
facilitated trade in Europe from Krakow to the Black Sea
coast and composition of the new federal state.