У статті розглядаються питання нормативно-правового регулювання дослідження рухомих археологічних предметів (артефактів). Звертається увага на законодавство з охорони і збереження
археологічної, культурної спадщини, порядку обігу
культурних цінностей в Україні. Основна увага
приділяється закріпленню поняття рухомих археологічних предметів у законодавстві України та
деяких зарубіжних країн. Підіймається також і
питання розроблення цієї тематики в законодавстві та в судовій експертизі.
Over the centuries, archaeological heritage of
Ukraine has been developing under the influence of
many factors. Research on such antiquities is a significant
task of science for a detailed study of our history,
deeper understanding of all stages of the formation,
development and promotion of modern culture. Issues
arising while protecting archaeological sites are relevant
not only for Ukraine but also for many countries
of the world. Preservation of history is the important
task of every civilised country. Each monument is the
source of information, and artefacts of a certain period
in their totality represent a holistic cultural layer
of history of people who lived in Ukraine no matter
whether they were our ancestors or not.
The paper outlines the issues of legal regulation of
the research of movable archaeological objects (artefacts).
Attention is drawn to the legislation on protection
and preservation of archaeological and cultural
heritage, procedure of cultural properties circulation
in Ukraine. The main focus is on enshrining the concept
of movable archaeological objects in legislation of
Ukraine and some foreign countries. The issue of elaboration
of this topic in the legislation and in forensic
science is also addressed.
Movable archaeological objects are exchanged and
traded, such as Palaeolithic art, Bronze Age ornaments,
stone axes, etc. Since they can be subject of
crimes, and accordingly, can be investigated in forensic
institutions, it is required to create a methodology for
investigation of movable archaeological objects (artefacts)
and conduct systematic research activities for
the needs of forensic experts to ensure efficient provision
of justice in Ukraine. It is also emphasised that
while forensic examination of movable archaeological
objects it is vital to establish their authenticity or nonauthenticity.