У статті розглянуто поховання войовниць п’ятьох
регіональних груп Європейської Скіфії. Репрезентовано могили 11 типів з варіантами. Проаналізовано характер конструктивних елементів
поховальних споруд.
Types of burial structures are one of the most reliable
ethno-differentiating criterion. They are commonly
due to local natural and economic factors that were
accepted by the newcomer population along with main
characteristics of their own ritual.
As for the shape, the graves of Scythian warriors are
arbitrarily divided into 11 types with options, which in
general make up three main groups: simple pits and
more intricate variable chamber constructions such as
undercut and catacombs.
303 graves of women with weapons from 267 barrows
are known in the territory of European Scythia.
More than half of them (55 %) have not been looted. By
territorial principle they can be divided into five main
groups: 1) Lower Dnipro steppe (or Steppe); 2) Crimea
Foothills; 3) Danube-Dnister steppes (or Transnistria);
4) Forest Steppe Dnipro area (or Forest Steppe); 5) Don
region (Steppe and partly Forest Steppe).
In total, among graves of the Amazons of European
Scythia the undercut (alcove) graves are the most represented
— 104, inferior to them are catacombs — 99
and pit graves — 80, undefined — 20. However, the indicators
for some groups differ significantly.
We can mention the following design features of the
graves: ground steps and hollow in the bottom of entrance
pit, separation of entrance to dromos or chamber
Some specific features are also present in the arrangement
of internal space of the graves (nishes, wall
and ceiling design, floor decoration, arrangement of a
funeral bed etc.).
So, burial complexes of the female warriors correspond
to Scythian regulations, that is, the design of
ground and underground elements does not stand out
in the burial ground. Here, we are dealing only with
regional features typical for community members who
lived there.