Овариэктомированным крысам вводили полостную жидкость аскариды и р-ор фолликулина.
Наблюдалось запаздывание и ослабление течки у подопытных крыс по сравнению с контрольными.
Результаты опыта показывают, что полостная жидкость аскариды угнетает реактивность влагалища на эстрогены.
The'experiments were carried out'with 34 ovariectomied rats to' find out the effect of A. suum cavity liquid on sex cycle of the animals. The cavitary liquid and oil solution of folliculin were introduced to the rats simultaneously at the beginning of the experiment; the following three days ouly cavitary liquid was introduced. The delay and weakening of heat was observed in the rats under experiment as compared with the control ones. Analyses of the experiment results show that the disturbance of sex cycle in rats when introducing a lumbricoides cavitary liquid to them is connected with the inhibition of the vagina reactiveness to ovary estrogens.