В экспериментах на собаках, крысах и мышах установлен характер локализации лямблий (Lamblia canis, L. intestinalis, L. muris) в кишечнике млекопитающих спустя разное время после начала цистовыделения. Указываются факторы, обусловливающие характер локализации лямблий, степень их дегенеративного изменения и интенсивность инцистирования. Предложена схема жизненного цикла лямблий.
It is established by an experiment that in dogs, rals and mice infected with Lamblia
canis, L. intestinals or L. muris, adapted previously in a dog organism, in the first ten days
after the beginning of cystoexcretion the trophozoites are localized in the first or in the
first and second quarters of the small intestines. 1.5—4 months later they parasitize primarily in the middle portion of the small intestines, and after five and more months — in
the middle and distal of it. The character of lamblia localization depends on the intensity
of absorption of nutrition substances, primarily carbohydrates. A scheme of the lamblia
life cycle is suggested according to which a part of trophozoites unfastened from the
mucosa can encyst or degenerate. Manifestation of degenerative changes as well as the
intensity of encystation depends on the duration of the invasion process and degree of
pathological shifts in the habitat of lamblia populations