У статті розкривається концептуальна сутність супертексту, аналізуються основні
типи супертекстів. Як журнальний супертекст розглядається російськомовний жіночий
журнал України. Він ідентифікується як система-супертекст за такими критеріями: хронологічні межі, тематична та модальна цілісність, відкритість / закритість меж, адресантність та адресатність, структурованість, нелінійність.
Conceptual essence of supertext is exposed and main types of supertexts are explored in the
article. Russian-language women’s magazine of Ukraine is being represented as journal supertext, its
linguistic and non-linguistic specific features are being characterized as «human measuring»
supertext system that is the version of the Modem Russian Literary Language system.
Russian-language women’s magazine of Ukraine meeting criteria of supertext which correlate
with methodological principals of synergetics (homeostasis, hierarchy, non-linerity, imbalance,
nonclosure, emergence, observability) has such characteristics as:
1) clear local and chronological borders, topical and modal integrity;
2) simultaneous openness and tightness of boundaries;
3) formation of authors represented by the super addresser and the addresser himself / herself;
4) homeostasis (taken separately journal supertext has the format of the same type, stereotyped
editorial classification, texts-attractors united / organized according to its contents or situation
described that determine speech realization of conceptual idea of the super addresser and the
addresser himself / herself in communication («beauty», «fashion», «sexuality», «cooking»,
«household», «marriage», «children»);
5) non-linerity shows itself in dialogism, camivalization, language game, experimental form,
mosaic picture of the world, perfomance and cross-genres.
The result of cross-genre interaction of literary, publicistic and colloquial genres is genres of
women’s magazine, genres-attractors which are the types of texts-attractors reflecting complete
conceptual idea of the super addresser and the addresser himself / herself and structuring
texts-attractors and genres-repellers which are the types of texts-repellers not meeting the conceptual
idea of the super addresser and the addresser himself/herself.