У статті проаналізовано розвиток російської та української пострадянської історіографії революційного тероризму. Виділено основні напрямки досліджень, розглянуто подолання спадщини радянської історичної науки в
контексті даної тематики. Показаний вплив сучасної політичної кон’юнктури
на інтерпретацію революційного тероризму початку ХХ ст.
In the article, the development of Russian and Ukrainian historiography of
revolutionary terrorism is analyzed. The main directions of research are highlighted,
the overcoming of the legacy of Soviet historical science in the context of this topic is
considered. The influence of the current political situation on the interpretation of
revolutionary terrorism at the beginning of the twentieth century is shown.
A new stage in the development of historiographic research of this issue began
after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Its characteristic feature is the coexistence of
all interpretations of revolutionary terrorism that have developed in various
historiographic traditions during the study of this topic. This situation is conditioned
not only by scientific pluralism, but also by the presence in the modern political space
ideological heirs of political forces of the early twentieth century. Another dominant
feature is the widespread involvement of the Police Department’s documents that
increasingly dictate the interpretation of revolutionary terrorism through the eyes of
the political police.