У статті йдеться про один із напрямів у роботі виборного
управління Чернігова – ветеринарну службу. Указується на спонукальні чинники стосовно запровадження посади міського ветеринара; звертається увага на творення інформативного поля задля обізнаності містян із симптоматикою в інфікованих тварин,
способами локалізації й боротьби з епізоотіями; наголошується
на складнощах становлення муніципальної ветеринарії, зволіканні гласних своєчасно вирішувати назрілі проблеми.
Zemstvo and municipal government, formed in Dnieper Ukraine on the basis
of liberal reforms of the 60-70s of the 19th century, actualized in their activities
one of the important directions - the development of municipal veterinary. Obvious
achievements, such as the creation of an extensive network of veterinary services,
timely vaccination, the introduction of zootechnics and much more, were observed
in the work of Zemstvo.
The initiative of elected authorities in the cities was less or took place due to
zemstvo initiatives. It was evidenced by the practice of public administration in the
Chernihiv province. Among 15 municipal settlements (14 county and one provincial)
only in Nizhyn, Hlukhiv and Chernihiv self-governing institutions joined to
the veterinary business. Nizhyn and Hlukhiv Dumas used the experience of Zemstvo
veterinarians. They managed to introduce the position of a full-time city veterinarian
in Chernihiv. This question arose in the first cadence of the Duma, but
it was implemented only in 20 years, that is partly explained by the lack of funds,
most of which were devoted to the construction of a centralized water supply system
and transport routes.
Gradually, the Chernihiv elected government confirmed in feasibility of a fulltime
city veterinarian, who controlled slaughterhouses and meat trade. The profits
from municipal slaughterhouses were increased. The preventive work and measures
during epizootics were coordinated.
Chernihiv city self-government periodically distributed obligatory resolutions
among the citizens, which prescribed the symptoms of animals’ infectious diseases
and ways to fight off them. The local budget was used to vaccinate animals. Zemstvo
veterinarians and paramedics were additionally invited during the spread of
epizootics. Funds were awarded for building special fences where cattle with an
unconfirmed diagnosis or affected were kept. All these initiate the city veterinary,
the proper functioning of which required further systematic and tedious work from
representatives of public administration.