У статті досліджено історію золотарського ремесла Ніжинщини XVII–XIX ст., указано імена майстрів, представлено їхній
родовід, визначено техніку роботи та інструментарій золотарів,
розкрито внесок Є.Ю. Спаської в дослідження історії золотарського ремесла Ніжинщини.
Based on the materials of E. Y. Spasska’s research, the article examines the
history of the development of the goldsmith craft of the Nizhyn region of the XVIIXIX
centuries.. It is determined that the appearance and flourishing of goldsmithing
in the city was associated with the development of crafts and trade. It was found out
that 8 out of 12 Goldsmiths of Chernihiv region lived in Nizhyn in the XVIII century.
Goldenrod flourished in the XVIII century. At that time, goldenrod evolved from a
home occupation to a craft, and later became an independent Guild organization.
In the course of analyzing the works of Ye. Yu. Spasska, the main names and
pedigrees of the Masters of goldsmithing - Placindari, Moskovichevs, Babkinswere
determined. It was found out that Greek settlers were more often engaged
in goldsmithing in Nizhyn, and goldsmithing was often a family business. In the
course of the study, a unique fact was revealed that women were also engaged in
goldsmithing in Nizhyn. Based on the materials of Ye. Yu. Spasska, the technique
of work and tools of goldsmiths are presented, and the location of workshops is
established. The main techniques of processing precious metals were casting,
minting, engraving, stamping, gilding «through the fire», stamping and gilding
with an electroplated plate . It is established that the gradual decline of pottery
in the Nizhyn region occurs at the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX century,
which is due to the disappearance of socially wealthy segments of the population
and the abolition of the institution of the church.