Стаття присвячена дослідженню окремих зразків стрілецької та холодної зброї періоду російсько-французької війни 1812 р.
із колекційного зібрання Полтавського краєзнавчого музею імені Василя Кричевського. Наведено новий атрибутивний опис шести вибраних зразків – двох пістолетів, мушкетона, двох шабель
і тесака. Проаналізовано еволюційний шлях цих видів озброєння у
контексті воєнних подій початку ХІХ ст., джерела їх надходження та музейний провенанс предметів. Окрему увагу закцентовано на зростаючому експозиційному потенціалі різних видів зброї
як способу створення музейного наративу.
The article is dedicated to research of separate samples of small arms
and bladed weapon of the French-Russian War of 1812-1815 from the
Vasyl Krychevsky Poltava Local Lore Museum collection. Mainly museum
weapon gathering consists of weaponry samples of Russian cavalry, which
traditionally was noticeable part of Russian Empire armed forces. It can
be explained by constant clash with countries like Turkey with strong
horse cavalry.
New attributive description of six chosen samples – two pistols,
blunderbuss, two sabers and backsword – are given. Main difference in
arming of European troops in those time and modern armies should be
mentioned. Each kind of troops in the 19th century had its own type of
weaponry, while weapon of modern armies are strictly unified.
Both pistols are attributed as 1809 model soldierly (cavalry), produced
at Tula Weapon Plant in 1813. Cavalry remade blunderbuss composed
from details from the Western Europe and Russian Empire, that was quite
ordinary for arm manufacturing of the French-Russian War period, is also
described. Samples of army bladed weapon – cavalry sabers of 1798 and
1809 Models are rather interesting. Both of them were produced in Russian
Empire, though the second one is equipped with earlier blade that can be
dated to the second half of the 18th century. The gathering of weapon
observed in the article is completed by Russian infantry soldierly backsword
of 1807 Model with blade of infantry soldierly backsword of 1756 Model.
Evolution of these weapon types in the context of military events of
the early 19th century, sources of their coming and museum provenance
of museum objects are analyzed. Separate attention is paid to growing
exposition potential of various weapon as a way to create museum narration.