Багатогранна діяльність Пелагеї Яківни Литвинової-Бартош
(1833–1904) на сьогодні, на жаль, не відома широкому загалу і потребує ретельного вивчення. Творчий спадок дослідниці складають
окремі видання та публікації в тогочасній періодиці за напрямками: етнографія, фольклористика, статистика. Великий масив ще
неопрацьованого матеріалу з фамільного архіву родини Литвинових зберігається в архіві інституту мистецтвознавства, фольклористики та етнології ім. М. Рильського НАН України. Серед
мемуарів та нотаток приватного характеру, які належали родині Бартошів, Литвинових, наприклад, є чернетки повноцінних
видань, замальовки до публікацій в журналах, альбоми і щоденники, блокноти з ведення домашнього господарства і т. п. Серед
таких було знайдено документи, які розкривають зв’язок родини
Бартошів, Литвинових з селом Дубовичі. Представлені краєзнавчі розвідки висвітлюються вперше.
Pelaheia Lytvynova-Bartosh (1833–1904) is researcher ethnographer,
folklorist, woman, mother of many children. Her multifaceted creative
heritage contains many publications in various fields: statistics,
economics, ethnography, folklore, folk studies. Many documents about
Lytvynova’s life have not been processed. Documents are kept in the
family archive of the Lytvynov family at the M.T. Rylskyi Institute of Art
Studies, Folklore Studies and Ethnology. Local Studies on the relationship
of P.Ya. Lytvynova with the Dubovychi village is discussed for the first
time. The publication shows that Pelaheia’s relatives by the mother side
leaved in the Dubovychi village – Yelizaveta Tumanska was in family
relations with the Kochubeyi family. There is a mention that the studies
at the Elizabethan Institute in Moscow were paid for by Kochubei. The
noblewoman Pelahеia Bartos married the nobleman Petro Lytvynov.
Vasyl Kochubei from Dubovychi village was at the wedding. Pelahеia
Lytvynova-Bartosh got a good education. Despite the class of origin
(nobleman or serf ) she treated people with respect during all life. There
were found documents with drafts with the records of the petition to the
Hlukhiv district court. The document was written by Pelaheia on behalf
of a resident of the Zemlianka village, who was the wife of a resident
of the Dubovychi village. There are also documents in the archival file
indicating that Pelahеia’s parents had land in the Dubovychi village.
Also was found a document about agreement on deforestation. The
loggers are residents of Dubovychi village. The article also shows the
research work of Pelahеia Lytvynova in the Dubovychi village. These are
records of embroidered and woven patterns. This material is published
in Litvinova’s book that called “South Russian folk ornament. Issue 1.
Chernihiv province of the Glukhov district. Embroidery, textile and
drawing patterns. Collected and compiled by Pelagеуa Yakovlevna
Litvinova. Kyiv, 1878”. Pelahеia Lytvnova’s research work gives an
opportunity to see the real role of Ukrainian women in science, culture
and public life. A woman from a village in the Hlukhiv district succeeded,
namely, she became the author of books, was a member of the Imperial
Russian Geographical Society, the Paris Anthropological Society, and
the Shevchenko Scientific Society.