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Перегляд Відділення математики за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Відділення математики за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Havlicek, H.; Odehnal, B.; Saniga, M. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2009)
    Recently, a number of interesting relations have been discovered between generalised Pauli/Dirac groups and certain finite geometries. Here, we succeeded in finding a general unifying framework for all these relations. We ...
  • Lentner, S.; Ohrmann, T. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2017)
    Representations of small quantum groups uq(g) at a root of unity and their extensions provide interesting tensor categories, that appear in different areas of algebra and mathematical physics. There is an ansatz by Lusztig ...
  • Khachatryan, A.Kh.; Khachatryan, Kh.A. (Український математичний журнал, 2008)
    Sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution of one class of convolution-type integro-differential equations on half line are obtained. The investigation is based on three factor decomposition of initial integ ...
  • Kalyuzhnyi, A.A.; Chapovsky, Yu.A. (Український математичний журнал, 2003)
    We prove that a conditional expectation on a Kac algebra, under certain conditions, decomposes into a composition of two conditional expectations of a special type and gives rise to a compact quantum hypergroup connected ...
  • Facchini, A.; Fassina, M. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2016)
    We extend the classical theory of factorization in noncommutative integral domains to the more general classes of right saturated rings and right cyclically complete rings. Our attention is focused, in particular, on the ...
  • Sukhorukova, O. (Український математичний вісник, 2017)
    The class of γ–generating matrices and its subclasses of regular and singular γ–generating matrices were introduced by D. Z. Arov in [8], where it was shown that every γ-generating matrix admits an essentially unique ...
  • Shchedryk, V. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2009)
    We propose constructive criteria of divisibility and associativity of matrices over commutative elementary divisor ring without zero divisors. On this base, the explicit form for all non-associated divisors which have ...
  • Haga, J.; Maitra, R.L. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2017)
    We develop a mathematically rigorous path integral representation of the time evolution operator for a model of (1+1) quantum gravity that incorporates factor ordering ambiguity. In obtaining a suitable integral kernel for ...
  • Kassotakis, P.; Nieszporski, M. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    We present a method to obtain families of lattice equations. Specifically we focus on two of such families, which include 3-parameters and their members are connected through Bäcklund transformations. At least one of the ...
  • Sole, J.L.; Utzet, F. (2008)
    An explicit procedure to construct a family of martingales generated by a process with independent increments is presented. The main tools are the polynomials that give the relationship between the moments and cumulants, ...
  • Barnsley, M.F.; Vince, A. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2015)
    The fast basin of an attractor of an iterated function system (IFS) is the set of points in the domain of the IFS whose orbits under the associated semigroup intersect the attractor. Fast basins can have non-integer dimension ...
  • Bender, C.M. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2007)
    For any pair of quantum states, an initial state |Iñ and a final quantum state |Fñ, in a Hilbert space, there are many Hamiltonians H under which |Iñ evolves into |Fñ. Let us impose the constraint that the difference between ...
  • Курдаченко, Л.А. (1983)
    В статье продолжается нахождение условии вложимости FC-группы в прямое произведение конечных групп и абелевой группы без кручения.
  • Makarov, V.L.; Rossokhata, N.O. (2007)
    An algorithm for solution of a nonlinear eigenvalue problem with discontinuous eigenfunctions is developed. The numerical technique is based on a perturbation of the coefficients of differential equation combined with the ...
  • Dragunov, D.V.; Makarov, V.L.; Sember, D.A. (Український математичний журнал, 2012)
    We propose a functional discrete method for solving the Goursat problem for the nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation. Sufficient conditions for the superexponential convergence of this method are established. The obtained ...
  • Гаврилюк, І.П.; Клименко, А.В.; Макаров, В.Л.; Россохата, Н.О. (2007)
    На основании функционально-дискретногоподхода сиспользованием полиномов Адомяна предложен численный алгоритм для задачи на собственные значения спотенциалом, состоящим из линейной части, которая зависит отнезависимой ...
  • Автор відсутній (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020)
    The famous Ukrainian mathematician and educator, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Fedir Mykolayovych Lyman passed away on June 13, 2020 after a long illness.
  • Lychagin, V.V. (2009)
    The problem of local feedback equivalence for 1-dimensional control systems of the 1-st order is considered. The algebra of differential invariants and criteria for the feedback equivalence for regular control systems are found.
  • Boos, H. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    We generalize the results of [Comm. Math. Phys. 299 (2010), 825-866] (hidden Grassmann structure IV) to the case of excited states of the transfer matrix of the six-vertex model acting in the so-called Matsubara direction. ...
  • Visinescu, M. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2006)
    We review the geodesic motion of pseudo-classical spinning particles in curved spaces. Investigating the generalized Killing equations for spinning spaces, we express the constants of motion in terms of Killing-Yano tensors. ...


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