Розглянуто колекції особливих артефактів ХІІ – першої половини ХІІІ ст. з
довголітніх розкопок городища літописного Звенигорода на Білці. До категорії
магічних предметів віднесено писанки, кігті та ікла тварин, брунчалки та фігурки домовиків. Подано докладний опис знахідок із зазначенням зв’язку з житлово-господарськими та виробничими комплексами, а також артефактів. Їх поділено
на кілька груп виробів: а) перетворені на культові предмети; б) на поверхні яких
зображено хрест; в) з написами релігійного змісту; г) на поверхні яких вміщено
апотропеїчні зображення євангельської тематики.
The article deals with a small complex of specific artifacts from XII – first half of
XIII century. They were collected during many years of excavations of the territory of
hill-fort of annalistic Zvenyhorod on Bilka River. These finds are interpreted as talismans,
which must protect people and their homes from the evil. Such artifacts as Easter eggs,
claws and fangs of animals, brunchalky, figures of brownies are classified as magic items.
Detailed description of finds and their relation to residential, economic complexes and
workshops are presented.
Another set includes artifacts, on the surface of which deepened pictures are traced.
“Graffiti” are secondary by origin. These signs were not made by master during making
of things, but by their owners during usage time. Artifacts are divided into several groups:
a) products, transformed into cult objects, b) products, on the surface of which a cross
is depicted, c) products with inscriptions of religious content, d) products, on surface
of which the images of evangelical plots are placed. Appointment of these marks has
apotropaic character.