У статті аналізуються дотепер не використані архівні матеріали з фондів української еміграції –
огляди стану Червоної армії. Здійснюється атрибуція текстів: на підставі орфографічного, лексико-фразеологічного, стилістичного аналізу, форми викладу, змісту – добору, інтерпретації та аналізу фактів та явищ, наведених в оглядах, зроблена спроба встановити особистісні характеристики автора документів: освітній та професійний рівень, національність, приналежність до політичної течії еміграції.
Abstract. The purpose of the article is documents authentication – drawing up personal characteristics of
the person or persons, who created them as well as determining the degree of objectivity of the information
provided therein.
The research methodology is based on linguistic and historical research methods. On the basis of orthographic,
lexical and phraseological analysis of texts, as well as anthropological, system, and structural-functional
methods, an attempt has been made to draw up the personal characteristics of the author / authors of documents,
namely their educational and professional qualifications, nationality, membership in certain organizations of
political emigration.
As a resultof the examination of the texts of the documents, it has been established that the reviews were
prepared by military analysts and scientists of the Higher military and scientific training courses of M. Holovin
on the basis of intelligence, obtained legally and illegally by members of O. Kutepov militant organization or
Russian All-Military Union.
Practical significance and prospects of further studies. Analytical documents from the collection of
Prague Archives on the state and prospects of development of the USSR Armed Forces as a probable strategic
adversary, which were introduced to the scientific circulation for the first time, testify to the high level of strategic intelligence of white émigré organizations, objects and directions of their activity. They also allow to expand
the base of sources to study the system of recruitment, military, technical and logistics support of the Workers’
and Peasants’ Red Army, qualitative characteristics and principles of selection of officer corps, and to analyze
the problem of interaction between the commanders and political leadership of the army, etc.