У статті запропоновано розширений погляд на історію становлення
сучасних інтермедіальних студій. Наголошено на тому, що підґрунтям
інтермедіального дискурсу в літературознавстві, окрім декларацій самих митців, стали праці філософів-естетиків та мистецтвознавців
поч. ХХ ст.: Г. Вельфліна, М. Дессуара, А. Варбурґа. На крос-галузеву
оптику літературознавства, як і на метод інтермедіального аналізу
вплинули: а) мистецтвознавча іконологічна школа (Е. Панофскі,
Р. Віттковер, Е. Гомбрих та ін.); б) філософія, головно герменевтика
та феноменологія; в) окремі галузі психології/природничих наук —
від когнітивістики (Р. Арнхейм, Н. Гудмен), гештальтпсихології до
останніх досліджень із нейрофізіології (Р. Цитович, К. ван Кемпен).
The paper offers to extend the historical time frame of modern cross-media studies formation.
The start of this research direction dates not from the 1950-60s, as it is usually considered
to be, but from the early 20th century, the ‘synthesis epoch’. Development of neosyncretism
was accompanied by creating bright theories in aesthetics and art criticism and
promoting the concept of arts’ interaction by the humanities. Three scholars — H. Wölffl
in, M. Dessoir, and A. Warburg were the pioneers of the modern interdisciplinary research
field. The author considers that the range of influences on the cross-media studies in literary
criticism should be broadened with the works of philosophers and art critics who started to
use the cross-media strategies (not the term itself ) when analyzing the works of literature
and arts. The leading role belonged to the Iconology school (E. Panofsky, R. Wittkower,
E. Gombrich et al.). Their methods were based on applying tools of various disciplines. In
the first place, they took into account connections between literature and visual arts. Henceforth,
philology interpolated the iconological method into visual and comparative studies.
One of the contemporary leading cross-media researchers, W. J. T. Mitchell, named his first
book “Iconology: Image, Text, Ideology” (1986).
In the middle of the 20th century, philosophy had a considerable influence on the
cross-media research formation. In particular, literary critics referred to phenomenology
(the works by M. Dufrenne, R. Ingarden. M. Merleau-Ponty) and actualized the analysis of
interacting arts once more. A visual turn in culture caused growing attention to the issues
of apperceptive cross-sensual experience. The newest works in the fields of perception psychology,
gestalt psychology, neurolinguistics, and neurophysiology also support the general
cross-media theory. It is possible that, due to the mutual influences of sciences, a uniform
platform for studying syncretic phenomena will be created.