Исследование Херсонесского городища за полуторавековой период так и не дало ответа на вопрос - какова была территория античного города и где первоначально проходила его западная граница? Теме этой посвящен целый ряд работ. Автор одной из последних - А. В. Буйских дала исчерпывающую на данное время библиографию вопроса. В своей статье мы постараемся рассмотреть проблему с учетом новых данных.
The article is devoted to the problem size of the territory of an ancient city and its initial western border. During archaeological excavations in 2005 undertaken in block IX in the Severny (Northern) district in Chersonesos remnants of a wall 5.26 m long. Judging by the technique of laying (two-face one with filling) and its thickness (2.1 -2.13 m) we can say that it is a part of defense wall which protected the south-western territory of the ancient city in the early stage of its existence in the 5th century BC. Within the defense walls there was a flat plateau of about 10- 15 hectares, well protected by the sea from the north and north-east, from the south-east and north-west - by two gorges, the defense wall was on its slope