Вопросы, связанные с характером позднескифской государственности, привлекали и продолжают привлекать внимание исследователей. Но если наличие определенной государственной организации у поздних скифов ни у кого не вызывает принципиальных возражений, то о ее характере существуют различные, порой противоположные мнения.
At the article examined question about the character of later scythians statement. Author concludes that laterscythian state formation, which has been created by Skilur at the second half of II c. B. C., was early classed social organism with all typical features. Later under the influence of near structures which were better developed in social-economical sense it could be transformed into better developed structure. But history gave no such chance for scythians. Development of latescythian statement was stopped. At first by campaigns of Diophant and than by powerful tributary of sarmatian tribes into Central and South- Western Crimea. As a result sarmatians included this territory into their state and scythians step by step were assimilated by alliances.