В общественном музее Центрального детского клинического санатория Министерства Обороны в Евпатории хранится несколько случайных находок, происходящих с городища Керкинитиды и собранных основателем музея В.А.Розенцвайгом.' В конце 1970- X гг. ему довелось ознакомиться с “толстой массивной монетой из светло-желтого металла”, обнаруженной, по словам случайно нащедшего ее местного жителя, на дне моря в акватории пляжа санатория МО на расстоянии 70-100 м от берега, на глубине около 2 м.
At the end of the 1970s on the territory of or sqmewhere near the ancient town of Kerkinitida in Eupatoria one of the local dwellers found an electrum stater of Kyzikos of type Fritze, 1912, N 92, Taf. 111,11. We had no opportunity to examine the original, its further whereabouts is not known. The coin is published using its impression and plaster casts; they were made by the head of social museum of Eupatoria children’s sanatorium of the Ministry of Defence on the day when it was found. The coin is of an oval form, the size of which is 19x21 mm. The length of quadrum incusum reverse is 9 mm. It is well preserved. On the surface of each small square of reverse one can easily see a stretched thin relief C-shaped stroke. This peculiarity and some analogies enable us to attribute this published coin either to the whole III group H.V.Fritze (= IV group A Brett) or to transitional from subgroup “be” II group to III group H.V.Fritze. Minting the coin and the dating of its coming to Kerkinitida is the mid-5th - the second half of the 5th century BC. This is the first Kyzikian found in Kerkinitida. It probably reflects the development of trade relations of the polis with Athens in the period of supposed joining Kerkinitida to Arche.