У статті на основі даних метричних книг розглядаються основні демографічні характеристики
смертності населення містечка Пирятина першій половині ХІХ ст. (такі як загальний коефіцієнт смертності, розподіл померлих за віковими групами, сезонність смертності). Проведено загальний аналіз
причин смертності, а також виокремлено основні причини смерті для різних вікових груп (1-річні діти,
діти від 2 до 14 років, дорослі, літні особи) та простежено сезонний розподіл причин смерті у цих вікових групах.
The article deals with the main demographic characteristics of the mortality of the population of the town
of Pyriatyn in the first half of the nineteenth century (such as the overall mortality rate, the distribution of
deaths by age group, seasonality of mortality) based on the data of metrical books. It conduct general analysis
of the causes of mortality and the main causes of death for different age groups (1-year-old children, children
from 2 to 14 years old, adults, elderly people) and a seasonal distribution of causes of death in these age
So, the division of the dead into the age groups shows that more than half of them were children under
the age of 14, about one third were adults, and about 13% were elderly. This age stucture can be considered
as typical. The seasonal mortality in these age groups was different: for children peak mortality fell on April,
July-August and December, for adults - January-March. In general the most often Pyriatyn’s inhabitants died
of respiratory diseases (the most common was tuberculosis), infection diseases (the main of them was smallpox)
and fever.
The main causes of children’s mortality were infectious diseases such as smallpox and measles, as
well as tuberculosis, cough, colds, diarrhea. In group of 1-yer-old children the big part of records (around
40%) were marked as «children`s disease». The main mortality causes in age group of adults were fever
and tuberculosis and to less extent smallpox. Among people over the age of 60 more than half were died
of «elderly and weakness», among the rest the most common was fever and tuberculosis, as well as in the
adults group.