Стаття присвячена видатному українському поету, письменнику, актору, кінематографісту, лауреату Шевченківської премії, який народився у м. Первомайську. Основу публікації становлять спогади
знайомих, друзів, родичів, що живуть у м. Первомайську, більшість із яких введено до наукового обігу вперше.
About MS Vingranovsky, a talented and invincible writer, actor, film director, public figure, speak, write, recall
in the whole of Ukraine. Introductijn, the fact is that only small part of memories belongs to the inhabitants of the
Pervomaisk town, in which he was born, grew and formed as a personality. This determines the introduction of the
Purpose of the study are to collect, systematize the memories of the Pervomaisk’s inhabitants about MS Vingranovsky
and to demonstrate to the general public the Mykola Stepanovich’s letters to the countrymen.
Results of the study are:
Firstly, popularization friends memories of Mykola Vingranovsky living in Pervomaysk. His friends: Volodymyr
Voitenko, Hryhoriy Sosnowski; poets: Hryhoriy Usatyuk, Lorina Lysogurska; relatives: sister – Hellaria and cousin –
Lydia; journalists: Zhanna Russkyh, Danylo Kitr. And also the poet Oleksa Ryznichenko, who lives in Odessa, and
the classmate Alla Ilnytska-Rozhkovska.
Secondly, to publish the letters, written by MS Vyngranovsky to the Pervomaisk’s friends.
Originality of the study is introduction into scientific circulation of unknown information about Mykola Vingranovsky’s
relations with his fellow countrymen. The problem about the place of writer’s birth is stated, in particular,
the versions of Bohopol, Golta and Kumary are covered. For the first time described relations of the artist
with representatives of local authorities.
Conclusion: Mykola Stepanovich Vingranovsky is a notable figure in Ukrainian culture. To create an artist's
complete biographical portrait, needs to search for people who have been his friends, met, have a family and
bonds. It is worth publishing his epistolary legacy. To reconstruct the events that took place in his life. A study of
little-known facts from the Pervomaysk period of being of Mykola Vingranovsky will greatly expand his knowledge of him.
Статья посвящена видному украинскому поэту, писателю, актеру, кинематографисту, лауреату
Шевченковской премии, который родился в г. Первомайск. Основу публикации составляют воспоминания
знакомых, друзей, родственников, которые живут в г. Первомайське, большинство из них введено в научный оборот впервые.