У статті висвітлюється образ українського вченого-патріота Миколи Костомарова (1817-1885),
200-літній ювілей якого відзначається у цьому році.
Appearance of the Ukrainian scientist-patriot Mykola Kostomarov (1817-1885) lights up in the article,
200-years-old the anniversary of which registers in this year. He was one of the most prominent intellectual luminaries
of the epoch, as instrumental in becoming of many directions of Ukrainian sociogumanitarism. Considerable
attention is spared to active to public-political positions of M. Kostomarov, in particular to participating
in Kyrylo-Mefodiivskyj fraternity, Ukrainophile movement 60-80th ХІХ st. which lights up on a
background public events and scientific creation of scientist. It is well-proven that Kostomarov considered calling
to serve the Ukrainian people on the field of science. He fought for confession of his history a continuous
process which follows from a remoteness and related to historical development of all slavdom. Ukraine as
cradle of christianity must was become the center of revival of freedom, equality, fraternity of slavonic people.
A historian prophesied the large future of Ukraine under the wire of intelligentsia.
В статье освещается образ украинского ученого-патриота Николая Костомарова (1817-1885),
200-летний юбилей которого отмечается в этом году.