Автори аналізують проблеми рецепції франкознавства в Одесі в період від кінця ХІХ до
початку ХХІ століть в контексті з домінуючими ідеологіями політичних режимів, з усвідомленням історичного процесу як детермінованого взаємодією і взаємовпливом політичних режимів в історичному часі і просторі.
The authors analyse the problems of reception frankoznavstvo in Odessa during the period from
the end of the XIX century to the beginning of the XXI centuries in the context of the dominant ideologies
of the political regimes, with the knowledge of the historical process as a deterministic interaction
and mutual influence of political regimes in a historical time and space. The key message of the Studio
is not simply the recording of facts concerning the reception of the figure of I. Franko, and the understanding
of the reasons for the treatment of biography and works of the writer, to see the historical
value of this Ukrainian phenomenon, which as we know, was identified with the idea of national
progress and to find him a place in the philosophy of history of each individual historical period. In
this case, the question regarding Odessa receptive frankiana is not in the plane of the empirical research
in the field of philosophy of history, which is a universal Toolkit for understanding any aspect
of world history, its time and space, the General progress of development. The appeal to an array of
domestic criticism literary reception confirmed the hypothesis that formed the systemic nature of Imperial,
national liberation, Soviet, Romanian-German and national-sovereign frankoznavstva, which
was manifested in the individual strategies, based on established scientific tradition, represented a
wide range of studies that identify semantic richness, artistic identity and determine its place and importance
in the history of world literature. In the assessment of intellectual activity of I. Franko, his
researchers in the vast majority focused primarily on the «ideological rationale», the socio-political
situation, clearly perceived «the latest trends» in science. Accordingly, they had nothing to expect any
objective evaluations of positive reviews about graceful creativity of the artist, his truthful art images
and problematic works in which the authors raised the question of revolutionary, class-struggle,
socialist and national ideas. Analysis of the Odessa receptive frankiana specified period allows to
make a conclusion about the importance of continuing the development of frankoznavstva, shipped
new approaches to the idea of their different traits and characteristics. At the same time the variety
of presented research strategies allows you to outline possible prospects of development of modern
frankoznavstva, among which are intertextually, hermeneutical, textual, historical-comparative,
historical-functional and other approaches.
Авторы анализируют проблемы рецепции франковедения в Одессе в период с конца ХІХ до
начала ХХІ веков в контексте с доминирующими идеологиями политических режимов, с осознанием исторического процесса как детерминированного взаимодействием и взаимовлиянием политических режимов в историческом времени и пространстве.