У статті розглядається питання висвітлення у сучасній українській історіографії проблеми
регіонально-історичних досліджень М. Грушевського.
Регионально-исторические исследования М. Грушевского
в историографических оценках
There is the large number of publications about M. Hrushevsky in modern historiography that reveals
various aspects of his public, political and scientific activities. A number of papers deals with
his academic achievements as the organizer of Ukrainian science. A separate group of historiographical
sources devoted to coverage of regional historical researches of M. Hrushevsky. This aspect of
scientific interest of researches began actively developed by modern Ukrainian scientists only recently.
In this context, attention should be paid to works, which are highlighting the activity of the scientist
as an organizer of local historical research. This is because the principle of regional studies of individual
areas of Ukraine provides for the collection of a large array of historical and ethnographic
data as a source base for further research. Most of the works on this subject are small in size and are
in collections of materials of conferences dedicated to certain anniversaries related to the life and
works of M. Hrushevsky. Positive trends are seen in recent years. There are some works that contain
elements of historiographical generalizations concerning regional historical (local history) researches
of M. Hrushevsky.